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Saved by David Shutkin
on January 19, 2012 at 12:52:42 pm


 John Carroll University

Department of Education and Allied Studies

ED556 Curriculum




David Shutkin, Ph.D

Spring Semester 2012

Thursday 6:00-8:40

AD 303

Office:         AD304

Land line    216.397.4754

E-mail:     dshutkin@jcu.edu

Web site: http://curriculumstudies.pbworks.com/

WebLog: http://dshutkin.blogspot.com

Office Hours by appointment:

Wednesday and Thursday

2:00-4:00PM, 8:45-9:45PM



This course concerns the theoretical and practical design and development of the school program with emphasis on current practices.


3.0 Credit Hours

3.0Lecture hours

Required Books

Apple, M. (2006) Educating the "Right" Way: Markets, Standards, God and Inequality. Routledge : New York.


Slattery, P. (2006) Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era. Routledge  : New York.


Engrade online gradebook: Please  sign up and see your grades using the code engrade-dshutkin-AccessNumber (B00 or T00 number)



Services for Students with Disabilities

If you have a documented medical, learning, or psychological disability—or suspect that you might—you should visit Services for Students with Disabilities to discuss ways that their office can help you in your academic endeavors at John Carroll. Services for Students with Disabilities can provide you with referrals to specialists in the Cleveland area. They can assist eligible students in developing and requesting accommodations from instructors and staff; some examples include: note takers, extra time for exams, testing in a quiet room, priority registration, and residence hall modifications, moving classes to minimize travel, assistive listening devices, and large print.


Location: AD 07 (the ground floor of the Administration Building)

Phone: 216-397-4967

Website: www.jcu.edu/campuslife/disabilities/




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