

Page history last edited by David Shutkin 12 years ago




Weight  Due Date

Research paper 

Through analysis and synthesis of your research, blog entries, course readings, discussions and other activities, write an essay germane to the field of curriculum studies.  Through this essay, I challenge you to find your voice and make a contribution to the discourse in the field.  Your essay can be created in any form and/or medium approved by Dr. Shutkin.

8 Grade Points 

6 May 

Research proposal

Your goal: to convince your readers (Dr. Shutkin and fellow classmates) that your research topic is germane to the field of curriculum studies and that you can complete it successfully and on time. (Not to exceed 1250 - 1750 words / 5-7 pages)

4 Grade Points 

11 March 


Writing Circles

Writing circles include peer review of proposals and a conference with Dr. Shutkin. 

4 Grade Points 

2 April



Working in the course Blog Place produce a weblog (on-line journal) to demonstrate your preparation for class and your engagement with course events including assigned readings, films and invited speakers.

4 Grade Points 

Several (see calendar)





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