
holistic assessment rubric

Page history last edited by David Shutkin 12 years, 6 months ago

ED556 Curriculum

Dr. David Shutkin


 This rubric is designed to promote a definition of thinking that includes perception, feeling and the arising of thoughts and images. Thinking is distributed throughout the four rubric domains:


 View, Appreciation, Method, and Presence.


 These domains are meant to indicate general qualities of a wide variety of student works, such as nonfiction, fiction and works of the expressive arts.


 The labels for the points on the scale (1 = Budding; 2 = Emerging; 3 = Maturing; 4 = Ready) refer to the JCU 4 point grading scale as they reflect a view that manifestations of student performance typically characterized as ‘weak,’ ‘unsatisfactory,’ etc. contain the seeds of more desirable qualities and should be seen as places to work from, energetic styles that contain possibilities of transformation, not qualities to be rejected or suppressed:


 View: The domain of view relates to the ability to see (perceive) clearly, or clarity of expression.          

1. Student work that is budding for this domain can leave the reader or audience confused about the purpose of the work or the logical arguments the author is trying to make. An authoritative stance is taken without convincing support for the author’s views.          

2. Student work that is emerging for this domain can leave the reader or audience uncertain about the purpose of the work or the logical arguments the author is trying to make. The author makes unsubstantiated assertions. 

3. Maturing evidence for this domain includes, for example, a well structured and organized piece of work where the reader can readily ascertain the author’s perspective and can follow the development of the author’s ideas.           

4. Evidence for readiness in this domain is principled works that may also include moments of insight (understanding and illumination).


 Appreciation: The domain of appreciation relates to a sense of openness to and appreciation for the richness of diversity: diverse evidence, conclusions, points of view, attitudes, motivations, experiences, values, and cultures.           

1. Budding evidence for this domain may, for example, be a superficial presentation of other views that seems poorly integrated with the author’s views.  No references are given.         

2. Emerging skills in this domain may include a resourceful inclusion of other views as the author relates issues raised to general knowledge, lived experiences and texts. References may be partial and/or in accurate.   

3. Maturing skills in this domain may include a resourceful inclusion of other views and the drawing of some interesting connections between these views and the author’s views. as the author relates texts to issues raised. References are complete and accurate.  

4. Readiness in this domain includes evidence that difference and other views are valued and appreciated beyond being merely included: that these other views have enriched the author’s own views.  The author relates texts and issues raised to other texts as the work evokes a sense of satisfaction and expansiveness. References are complete and accurate.


 Method: The domain of method relates to action and accomplishment: the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how a piece of work is carried forward and completed, as well as the skillful application of various modes of expression. The material elements (such as visual, textual or audio information) of the work are skillfully chosen and applied.     

1. Budding evidence for this domain includes a sense of incoherence as well as works that seem an incomplete jumble. While some of the components of the work may be interesting and engaging, the reader or audience is left feeling imposed upon. Work contains an excessive number of distracting spelling, grammatical, mechanical and/or technical errors.        

2. Emerging evidence for this domain includes a sense of coherence throughout the work. It is selectively interesting and engaging, yet the reader/audience is left feeling unsatisfied. Work contains distracting spelling, grammatical, mechanical and/or technical errors.  

3. Evidence for maturing skill in this domain includes an appropriate and efficient use of method. Overall, the work seems accomplished yet conventional in form. Work contains few, if any, spelling, grammatical, mechanical and/or technical errors.      

4. In uses of method demonstrating readiness in this domain,  it is evident to the reader that the author is an accomplished writer. Overall, the work is stylistically interesting and inspiring in form. 


 Presence: This central domain relates to a sense of wholeness and completeness based on the responsibility of the author/producer to the assigned task and an accommodation of the qualities of the four peripheral domains previously described. 

1. Budding skills in this domain are evidenced by works that are undeveloped and/or points of view that are not informed by and fail to engage with other views. The author fails to engage fully with and complete the assigned task.    

2. Emerging skills in this domain are evidenced by ideas and perspectives that are unoriginal or points of view that are insensitive of other views. The author is selectively engaged with the assigned task and fails to complete the assigned task. 

3. Maturing skill in this domain is demonstrated by an accommodation of other views and a direct, simple approach. The author is engaged with the assigned task.    

4. Readiness in this domain is work that demonstrates a high degree of receptivity and a relaxed approach. The author is fully engaged with the assigned task.





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