With input from class, we are establishing writing circles as a means of supporting everyone during the researching and writing process. Writing circles will include peer review of proposals and drafts, conferences with Dr. Shutkin and Writing Circle Posts.
Writing Circle Assessment: After class or at the end of class, please reflect and blog (Writing Circle Posts) about the discussions that took place during your writing circles including descriptions of the conversations, critically significant commentary, emergent ideas, new readings and directions for further developing the essay and so forth. These blogposts will form the basis for my assessment of your writing circles. Periodically, I will invite you to submit drafts or current versions of your essay if you should want my suggestions and guidance.
To begin each class students will break into writing groups to read and discuss section drafts, and drafts, etc. as the papers are emerging. (~25 minutes)
This will be followed by a time to debrief and share with the whole group (~1 hour). (This would be a good time to share questions, concerns, quandaries, etc. to get perspectives from the whole class).
We can elect to change the groups in a few weeks? Or, we can combine groups for a week or so.
(I am convinced that writing is a process that involves time alone in deep reflection and study but this must be followed by time for sharing and collaboration and support).
To help facilitate this process, I have developed a collaborative wiki site. Here, you will be able to up load your papers and down load each other's papers.
At least one conference with Dr. Shutkin before 8 April is required.
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