

Page history last edited by David Shutkin 13 years, 1 month ago

February 16 Session 4


"Experience is outside and inside, and the skills that are required to know it are as diverse as experience itself; language, logic, the use of tools to scan the skies, the earth, the eye."  Madeleine Grumet, 1975, p. 9



Slattery, P. (2006) Chapter 2. Historical Perspectives on Curriculum as a Field of Study. pp. 37-56

Slattery, P. (2006) Chapter 3. The Reconceptualization of Curriculum Studies: 1973 to 2006. pp. 57-70


Assignment Due: WebLog 4



  1. WebLog4.1
  2. Grand Narrative, Deconstruction and Curriculum
  3. Currere and Autobiography
  4. WebLog4.2


Currere or the Experience of being in the field of education

It's one thing to assert the curriculum as the lived experience of being in the field of education.  It is again something very different for ME to offer the details, nuances and complexities of MY LIVED EXPERIENCES of being in the field of education.



J. F. Lyotard on Grand narratives

J. Derrida on Deconstruction


Moving from Curriculum to ‘Currere’


Pinar, W. (1975) The Method of Currere. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Washington, D.C., April). 19 pages.


Grumet (1975) Existential and Phenomenological Foundations of Currere: Self-Report in Curriculum Inquiry. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Washington, D.C., April).


Pinar, W., Reynolds, W., Slattery, P. and Taubman, P. (2004)  Understanding Curriculum: An Introduction to the Study of Historical and Contemporary Curriculum Discourses.  Chapter 10: Understanding Curriculum as Autobiographical/Biographical Text.New York : P. Lang. pp. 515-566.



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